50 Servings per pot
Unflavoured Electrolytes PLUS - Ideal for for the carnivore community or anyone looking to remove sweeteners and other plant compounds.
PLEASE READ : These contain Red Astaxanthin, the world's most powerful antioxidant, many claim this has a 'fish like' or a 'sea side' taste. So not one for the faint of heart. Our unflavoured electrolytes are natural and sweetener free. Whilst they don’t have any added flavour, natural ingredients will have some taste.
More than just electrolytes! Read on and discover why our electrolytes are the best on the market and how they can help you lower oxidative stress, process proteins and genetic matter like DNA as well as boosting the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve hormonal balance, brain and cardiovascular health!
Our Electrolytes truly are the NUMBER 1 health product on the market!

Electrolytes are NOT optional.
Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals and compounds that help your body do much of its work. We need them to move our muscles, send neurotransmitter signals from our brain to various organs, and retain and regulate healthy fluid volume levels. All humans need electrolytes to survive they are ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE.

As this study (BMJ 2019;364:l772) shows we need between 4000-6000mg of sodium per day to be optimal, as we go below 2500mg, our risk of death increases greatly.
Table salt contains less than 40% sodium, meaning to hit the optimal range, we would need to consume 15g of table salt per day.
Our high strength, super bioavailable electrolytes allow us to reach this optimal range with ease.
Becoming ketogenic has unparalleled health benefits but when new to ketosis, the body depletes glucose stored in the muscle as glycogen, along with it water and electrolytes. This can lead to fatigue, headache, brain fog, irritability and nausea. This is known as the dreaded... KETO FLU.
This is very common as the body is going through a detoxification phase, but many of these effects can be negated with the supplementation of Electrolytes.
What Are The Benefits?
- Increased energy
- Increased focus and concentration
- Reduced stress & anxiety
- Better workouts
- Better mood
- Better hydration
- Electrolyte balance
- Normal muscle function
- Protection of cellular oxidative stress
- Contribution to normal blood pressure
This UNIQUE FORMULA offers high Strength Keto Electrolytes and are possibly the most potent formula currently available on the market, using the most bio-available ingredients, added for superior absorption designed to replenish lost electrolytes for maximum benefit.
Unlike others on the market, Keto Pro Electrolytes are unflavoured and unsweetened. No nasty Aspartame or Sucralose and are maltodextrin free & NON-GMO
Much More Than Just an Electrolyte Formula
Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium... What else? Keto-Pro Electrolyte formula also contains:
- Vitamin C to protect cells from oxidative stress and contribute to a healthy immune system
- Molybdenum to process proteins, DNA and break down toxins
- Selenium to boost the immune system, lower oxidative stress and reduce inflammation
- Astaxanthin which is 65 x stronger than Vitamin C and 550 x more effective than Vitamin E as an anti-oxidant
Clinically proven benefits of Astaxanthin
Micro-algae produce astaxanthin to protect themselves from stressful environmental conditions. This attribute is transmitted to humans by ingestion as food or supplements. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of natural Astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis micro-algae have led more than a thousand clinical and pre-clinical studies that show benefits in brain health, cardiovascular support, eye health, skin health, anti-aging, and athletic performance.
Known as the “The king of the carotenoids,” it is nature’s most powerful antioxidant.
Unlike other carotenoids, it never becomes a pro-oxidant.
It absorbs UV rays reducing skin damage from sun exposure.
Most available antioxidants cannot cross endothelial cells, astaxanthin does cross the blood-brain and blood-retinal barriers to help preserve neurons and eye health.
Having both hydrophilic and lipophilic sites, the Astaxanthin molecule stretches through the phospholipid bilayer of cell membranes creating a shield that protects mitochondria, ribosomes and nuclear DNA against oxidative damage.
Astaxanthin supports healthy inflammatory response, blocking COX 2 pathway, it also suppresses serum levels of interleukin 1B, prostaglandin E2, C Reactive Protein, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha
Astaxanthin power compared with other antioxidants
- 800 times stronger than CoQ10
- 65 times stronger than vitamin C
- 550 times stronger than vitamin E
- 54 times stronger than beta carotene
- 21 times stronger than synthetic astaxanthin
Gravitating more towards a animal based lifestyle and moving away from foods that contain oxalates can temporarily cause something know as 'Oxalate Dumping'. The tissue within the body begins to release stored oxalates which can cause a myriad of problems.
The Potassium & Magnesium citrate we use in our formula binds tightly to the oxalates and enables us to excrete them from the body aiding massively in combatting any symptoms.
How to Use
Simply dissolve 5g (1/2 serving) to 10g in 500-700ml of water, stir or mix in a shaker. Use as often as required and adjust to taste.
250g - 42 (10g) to 84 (5g) servings
Potassium Tri Citrate, Sea Salt, Magnesium tri citrate, NatAxtin®
Natural Astaxanthin powder CWD 2,5% (Astaxanthin rich oleoresin
from Heamatococcus Pluvialis)
PLEASE NOTE : The hole in the seal is there for technical reasons, it is like a pressure valve. Without this hole, the seal would burst during filling due to the production process, as some pressure is created by the machine and has to escape. Depending on the conditions, a hole may or may not be necessary.