Gut And Physiology Syndrome.
A Natural Treatment For Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, Gut Problems, Arthritis, Fatigue, Hormonal Problems, Neurological Disease And More.
This book completes the GAPS concept, focussing on the whole human body.
- Autoimmune illnesses
- Hormonal and neurological disease
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Skin problems
- Chronic infections and
- Chronic inflammation
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
Many other chronic degenerative conditions are discussed in this book.
The full spectrum of the GAPS Diet and all other aspects of healing are described in this book. It is an essential read for those who want to truly heal from any degenerative disease.
Dr McBride has shown through her practical experience that diseases begin in the gut. In fact, the Father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, made this statement more than two thousand years ago. Science has discovered, that about 90% of all cells and all genetic material of the human body belongs to the gut flora. The gut flora is a mixture of various microbes living inside our digestive system. In reality your body is just a home for this mass of micro-creatures living inside you; and their role in your health and physiology is monumental. Our modern world poses many dangers for human gut flora, and once it is damaged, the health of the whole body enters a downward slide towards disease.