Keto Pro Pure C8 MCT Powder is a premium source of the most metabolically mobile and ketogenic medium chain triglyceride, caprylic acid also known as C8.
This C8 Powder blend has a premium ratio of C8 to acacia fibre and carries all the benefits of our C8 Oil, but a powder form allows for easier transportation and perfect for those who don’t like an ‘Oily’ texture in their beverage or on their food.
Keto Pro MCT is Vegan friendly, unflavoured and sourced only from coconut, no palm oil.
C8 MCT is one of the biohacker communities worst kept secrets, it's been known and understood for many years now that MCT almost instantly converts into Ketones, supplying the brain, body and heart with superior fuel / energy and by doing aiding with weight loss and improving concentration.
Many use C8 to help with weight loss, enhance mood and memory as well as blocking inflammation and even gut health.
- Weight Management
- Fat Metabolism
- Cardiovascular Health
- Brain Health
- Gut Health
- Immune System
Weight Management
MCT's are healthy fats that help you stay satiated or fuller for longer after a meal, this contributes to reduced energy intake, making it an ideal aid for weight management and weight loss.
Fat Metabolism
Unlike carbohydrates / sugar, ketones can’t be stored as fat, C8 MCT oil and powder doesn't use the same digestive process and it's longer chain counterparts and gives a kickstart to our metabolic rate in turn helping to support increased fat burning.
Cardiovascular Health
When consumed, C8 quickly converts into Ketones which have been shown to increase blood flow as well as mechanical efficiency of the heart.
Brain Health
C8 MCT plays a role in promoting better brain health by improving BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) Pure C8 MCT is also packed with antimicrobial properties that help keep harmful bacteria at bay while boosting mental clarity and memory, Ketones have the ability to breach the blood brain barrier when glucose cannot, this leads to an improvement in mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive function.
Gut Health
Unlike other MCT's, C8 MCT promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria, it's this bacteria that allows us to strengthen the intestinal barrier, resulting in improved overall gut health.
Immune System
As well as improving our gut health, C8 MCT has also been linked to supporting overall immune health thanks to its antimicrobial properties, ensuring our metabolism is functioning as optimally as it should.
What are MCT's and why are ours the BEST?
MCT’s or Medium Chain Triglycerides, contain medium length chains of fat. Due to their shorter length, they are digested much easier than longer chain fatty acids.
There are three types of MCT, C8 (caprylic acid), C10 (Capric Acid) and C12 (Lauric Acid)
Many brands on the market which claim to be 100% MCT are blends of C8, C10 and C12... While these are fantastic and carry many health benefits, we only produce Pure C8, making ours 3 x more ketogenic than others on the market and 18 x better than coconut oil.
Keto Pro's most recent certificate of analysis came in at 99.9% making it the world's highest purity.
Medium chain triglycerides are found in fats like coconut oil but only a small portion of the oil within the coconut is C8, we've taken all of those small portions and put it into one bottle which allows them to be rapidly broken down and absorbed into the body providing fast fuel for the brain and body. Sourced from coconuts, no palm oil and extracted without the use of solvents and chemicals, this tasteless and odourless powder can be added as a creamer to your morning coffee, as a booster to smoothies and used in keto baking. Super easy, convenient and fuss free.
Keto C8 MCT powder uses oil extracted from ethically sourced coconuts without the use of solvents or chemicals.
Net Carbs: 0g Per serving
Keto, Vegan, GMO Free, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Maltodextrin Free, No Palm Oil
Veganergy MCT Powder Pure C8 (PalmFreeMCT Oil Pure C8, Acacia Fibres)
- Use as a coffee creamer, add a serving of 11g to a black coffee or a beverage of your choosing. Avoid beverages with sugar
- For best results, use during a fasted state and before a workout or a time when concentration and focus are required. i.e before a meeting or interview.
- Use up to 3 x per day
- You can increase the serving size over time, but it's recommended to begin small while the body adjusts.
- If you experience discomfort in the stomach, lower the dose and frequency, again until the body adjust.
Serving Suggestion : 11g – This contains 7.7g of Pure C8 MCT