We have a wide range of quality honey from all around the world. Honey has many different flavours and characteristics, depending on where the bees have foraged.
Manuka Honey
Manuka honey is very popular. It appears to have particular antibacterial qualities. We have several real New Zealand Manuka honeys ranging in potency from 5+ to 20+. We also have raw Manuka honey.
Raw Honey
Many of our honeys are classed as "raw" honey, meaning they have never been heated above 42 degrees. These honeys are prized as being the most nutritious. It is believed that some of the precious properties in honey are damaged by heat above that at which a hive operates. We have honey still in the honeycomb which has a lovely, chewy consistency and is the most unprocessed, complete honey. The comb itself is also reputed to have health benefits.
Raw and Natural Local Honey
We also keep honey from a local bee keeper that is never heated. The only treatment is straining through a coarse grade filter. This keeps even more of the goodness in the honey. This raw honey is packed with good things, including local pollens that some people swear by to help them with seasonal allergies, such as hay fever.