Vegetarian & Vegan Foods
Here at The Real Food Company we have an interesting range of both vegetarian and vegan foods and their ingredients.
We have a whole freezer dedicated to delicious vegetarian and vegan foods, with anything from pies to vegan ice creams. Also we have a section of goodies in our fridge, which is filled with fresh foods such as tofu and vegan cheeses. If there is anything we do not have on the shelf we would be happy to order it in for you.
Vegetarian and Vegan Foods usually in stock:
- Tofu - plain, smoked and naturally flavoured tofu
- Braised Tofu
- Seitan
- Frozen Tempeh
- Live Natto
- Nut Roasts - frozen and dry mixes ready to make
- Sausages and Burgers - frozen and ready to make mixes
- Pasta Sauces
- Cheeses - hard and soft
- Dairy Free Cheese
- Vegan Ice Creams - Swedish Glace and Booja-Booja
- Ready Made Curries, Tagines and Casseroles
- Vegan and Vegetarian Pestos
- Vegetarian Pies
- Snitzels, Hot Dogs and Cocktail Sausages
- Sausage Rolls
- Hummus and Pates
- Milk Alternatives - oat, rice, almond, hemp, coconut, soy, cashew
Vegetarian and Vegan Jellies - in a range of flavours
- Provamel Soya Desserts Range
- Soya "TVP" Mince
- Danival Tofu Ravioli
- Large Range of Soups
- Nutritional Yeast Flakes - 2 varieties
- Stuffed Vine Leaves and Stuffed Peppers
- Gluten Free Vegan Organic Mince Pie Filling (seasonal)
- Organic Baked Beans
- Organic Tinned Beans Range
- Dried Organic Beans and Pulses - large selection
- Organic Millet, Rice, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Amaranth, Barley, Oats and Wheat - grains, flakes, flours
- Organic Stock Cubes, Bouillon Powders and Seasonings
- Fresh Organic Bean Sprouts
- Chocolate and Sweet Treats
- Vegan Protein Powder
Not forgetting the huge range of whole food ingredients we have for making your own recipes - nuts, seeds, flours, herbs and spices and so much more...
We also carry ranges of nutritional supplements that are vegetarian and some that carry the vegan symbol.